Parenting Insight Book

by Becky Cerling Powers

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Quick Reads for Helping Kids Thrive (From the Parent Powerline)

Sticky Fingers, Sticky Minds provides quick reads yet profound insight for anyone who loves a child and hopes to help that child become a secure, competent person who treats others kindly, serves their community unselfishly, and meets their greatest potential--whatever that might be for any individual child.

Becky Cerling Powers is a veteran homeschool grandma whose stories not only inspire but also give practical tips for keeping kids engaged and growing--healthy in body, mind, and heart. From practical tips on teaching kids to cook to the deep wisdom of making your home emotionally safe, these stories will encourage and equip you to make the most of the short season when the child you love is still young.

In these updated parenting columns originally published in the El Paso Times and Clinton Herald, Becky explains

  • how to read to a baby
  • how to get kids interested in math
  • what to do with kids so the information they read sticks in their minds
  • how to tell when you are setting kids up instead of helping them learn
  • homeschool secrets any parent can use to improve a child's academic progress
  • how to let kids cure their own boredom and much, much more

Sample Pages