When we were raising our children back in the early 1980s, we had a neighbor, Mary, who was a good mother to her preschoolers. She fed them balanced meals and established a healthy routine of playtime, nap time, meal time, and bedtime. She kissed their "owies" and dispensed Band Aids with sympathy. She read them stories daily, she limited their TV viewing, she encouraged them to help her dust and cook, and she talked with them throughout the day while she worked, answering their questions and chatting about whatever intrigued them.
Mary taught her children to share their toys with preschool friends who came to visit. She taught her 4-year-old daughter how to cut paper with a pair of blunt scissors and let her 2-year-old son paste, color and paint alongside his sister.
Today Mary would be eligible to send her 4-year-old to Head Start, but back then everyone had to pay for preschool. And although Mary's children seemed to be bright, secure and well behaved, her friends and relatives convinced her she wasn't a good parent because she couldn't afford to send them to preschool.
To fend off the social pressure, Mary found a job to pay preschool tuition. She had no education beyond high school, which meant she had to work more hours for less money. Once she began working, she found she had to earn enough money to cover not only preschool fees, but extra expenses of work -- wear and tear on the car, more taxes, a wardrobe for work...(It takes $3 earned to equal $1 not spent -- so she had to earn $600, for example, to make a $200 tuition payment.)
Sadly I watched this young family's stress level soar. And for what? Mary was not getting a job to meet personal emotional needs or to make it possible for her family to survive financially. She was wearing herself out and complicating her family's life in order to fend off social pressure. Then she paid other people to do something she already did well herself. And liked doing.
That was nearly 40 years ago. Soon afterwards our family joined the homeschooling movement, and I learned about many good home school preschool programs available for parents who, like Mary, lack confidence in their own abilities or prefer a structured plan.
Today, during the COVID 19 crisis, preschoolers have to be at home. But what home schoolers have learned about children and education is available to all parents through a rich variety of educational resources, not only for school age children, but for preschoolers as well. Buying a program is unnecessary, though, as long as these basic elements are present:
A warmly responsive, loving parent.
If a parent is unavailable, a grandparent or other adult can provide what is needed, as long as the adult is committed to the child long term and is there every day. This person is key to the child's sense of security and intellectual development. Nothing stimulates a child's intellect or builds good social behavior like a warmly responsive, consistently caring adult who talks to her throughout the day, responds to her needs, encourages creative efforts, sets healthy limits, provides calm order and is available for conversation almost all the time.
Healthy routines in a healthy environment. Preschoolers need reasonably predictable routines to feel secure. Someone must be sure they eat balanced meals, take naps, do their simple chores, go to bed at a set time, and get plenty of fresh air and several hours of physical exercise daily. If there is no safe yard available to run and play, (and playgrounds are off limits during the COVID-19 lockdown) they need someone to go with them on long walks and play “Tire’Em Out” games. (More on that next week.)
Materials and encouragement to create. Preschoolers need lots of materials available for spontaneous construction or dramatic projects -- a sheet to drape over a table for a tent, boxes, rocks, sand, dress up clothes, scrap lumber. When preschoolers are encouraged to use their own ingenuity to produce their activities, any item in the house can become a toy.
As much as possible, preschoolers need ready access to toys and creative materials. Toddlers will “read” more if there are a lot of hard-to-destroy children’s books around, for example. Preschoolers will draw more if the paper and crayons are kept on a shelf they can reach.
Daily reading. One school district made a bumper sticker: CHILDREN WHO READ WERE READ TO. The best way to encourage children to become readers one day is to read to them when they are small and keep on reading books aloud as a special shared activity after they begin reading themselves.
Rest and solitude.
According to child development researcher Raymond Moore, 3- and 4-year-olds who do not take a nap or have at least an hour of rest daily become overtired and then are unable to sleep well at night. They can then become chronically irritable and hard to handle.
Children at this age not only need a regular rest time, Moore says, they also need a period of solitude, playing alone with blocks or making roads in the sandbox. "This seems to provide the opportunity he needs to work out certain problems and fantasies," Moore said.
“Genius has been shown to thrive with a great deal of parental warmth combined with ample opportunity for solitude,” Moore says.
Positive social modeling and guidance. Children learn through observation and imitation. When they are surrounded by a lot of other children (whose social behavior is naturally immature), they imitate them. Preschoolers learn sharing and other social tasks best when they have only one or two other children to relate to at a time, and when the group is supervised by an adult who is a good model.
Involvement in homemaking activities. Preschoolers develop a sense of accomplishment and positive self worth by working alongside a warmly responsive parent in cooking, dusting, sweeping, kitchen cleanup, gardening, sorting laundry, etc.
Field trips and nature experiences. Preschoolers collect a lot of essential information about things they will study formally later on when they plant seeds and watch them grow and discuss what they see and sense on nature hikes and field trips. A nature hike can be as simple as a stroll through a garden, and field trips can be as simple as a trip to the store or a walk down the block to look at a house under construction.
Freedom from academic pressures. Preschoolers need to collect and make sense out of a lot of information before they are ready to begin formal learning. Too much academic pressure at this stage can result in unnecessary learning problems later.
© Becky Cerling Power 2020
Reprint with attribution only
The Handy Dandy Make-It-Yourself Review Game for Families
Becky Cerling Powers
Plan Ahead for the Holidays
Becky Cerling Powers
Raising fluent readers
Becky Cerling Powers
Caring for Babies, Surrendering Sleep
Becky Cerling Powers
Kids can make healthy no-cook summer recipes: from the Parent Powerline
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Missing the Blessing: a story of hope from the Story Powerline
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Screen Free Waiting Games: insights from the Parent Powerline
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Parents Without English Skills Helping Their Kids in School : Parent Powerline Insights
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An Ode to Mother Goose: insights from the Parent Powerline
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Saving and Spending for Kids : insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Money Lessons by Age: Teaching Kids Good Financial Habits
Becky Cerling Powers
Countdown to Christmas: insights from the Parent Powerline
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How to Make Bone Broth Soup: a Thanksgiving Tip from the Parent Powerline
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A Toad and a Teachable Moment: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
When Life Goes Up in Smoke: insights from the Bible Powerline
Glen A. Hinshaw
How to Win Kids' Hearts by Telling Stories: insights from the Parent Powerline
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Lighten Up: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Getting Ready for Teens When They're Toddlers: Insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Wet and Wild Water Fun: ideas from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Teaching Kids to Cook: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Dog in Pain: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
King Ben the Dog and Queen Vicky the Cat: reflections from the Story Powerline
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Naming Grace: reflections from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Cancan: Mother's (& Father's) Day reflections from the Story Powerline
Jennifer Cummings and Becky Cerling Powers
Teaching a 10-Year-Old to Drive (and Related Lessons): from the Bible Powerline
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Losing Poetry: insights from the Story Powerline
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Figuring Out Fasting: reflections on spiritual warfare
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Anxiety List Prayer: reflections on spiritual warfare
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Dad's Problem Solution Method
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Christmas Gift Exchange
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Insights & Reflections for Parents in December: from the Parent Powerline
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Best Toys This Season are Simple: from the Parent Powerline
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Gimme a Little Kiss: reflections on spiritual warfare
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Insights & Reflections for Parents in November: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Surviving the Japanese Occupation: insights from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Are Parents Sculptors or Gardeners? Insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in October: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in September: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
What the Animals Taught Adam: from the Story Powerline
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Figuring Out a Child's Learning Style: insights from the Parent Powerline
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Like the Wind: reflections on spiritual warfare
Laura Jane Eberhardt Cerling with Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in August: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Enlighten the Eyes of my Heart: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Making Bible Milk: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights and Reflections for Parents in July: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
When Healing Hurts: reflections on spiritual warfare in pain
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights and Reflections for Parents in June: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Truce for Sibling Wars: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Aunt Laura's Advice: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights and Reflections for Parents in May: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Safe Amid Snakes and Semi-Trucks: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Dead Squirrel Forgiveness: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Forgiving Grandmother Eberhardt: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Rosebud's Political Interrogation: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
New Bride Confusion: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Toddlers Helping: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Lament - Complaining as Worship: reflections on spiritual warfare in grief & anger
Becky Cerling Powers
A Dream That Changed Me: reflections on spiritual warfare
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights and Reflections for Parents in March: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Preventing Parent Burnout: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Playing Games with Kids: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights and Reflections for Parents in February: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Family Conflict, Family Struggles: reflections on spiritual warfare, beginning
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in January: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Neighborhood Yeast: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Children of the Heavenly Father: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Christmas Contentment: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in December: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Pied Piper Dad: memorial and parenting reflections from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Golden Rule Respect: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in November: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Enjoying Money Without Spending it: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in October: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Yes Means Yes, No Means No: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
The Tire 'Em Out Principle for Long Trips and Schoolwork: insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Family Treasure Hunts: parenting insights from the parent powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in September: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in August: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Camping with Kids: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Hymn for a Baby: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Insights & Reflections for Parents in July: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
In Sickness or in Health: a faith based Father's Day Story from the Story Powerline
David Melin as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Why Smart Kids Can't All Read by Age 6: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Being with Dad: a faith-based story from the Story Powerline
Glen A Hinshaw
Insights & Reflections for Parents in June: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Home Style Secrets of Kids' Learning Success: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
The Balances of Parenting: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Letting Daughters Grow: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Insights & Reflections for Parents in May: from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Reading Lots of Easy Books Produces Fluent Readers: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Reflections for Parents in April, Week Two: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Helping Kids with Math: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Reflections for Parents in April, Week One: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Trouble -- the doorway to God's Kingdom: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Honey Tree: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Watching for the Positives: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Give Your Children Sticky Minds: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
The Law of Kindness: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Laura Jane Cerling
Eyes in the Lookout: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Glen A Hinshaw
Focusing on the good stuff: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Joe Herman
The Grumble Family: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Being a Better Parent...One Week at a Time...in March
Becky Cerling Powers
Henry O. Flipper: a black history month story from the Story Powerline
Randy Limbird
Preparing to Raise Teens: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Neighbor Love: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
No Matter What, I Love You Every Day: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers and Robert G Cerling
Mental Maps: a faith based story on love from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Putting Myself in the Love Chapter: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Erik Powers with Becky Cerling Powers
Reading to Babies: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Being a Better Parent....One Week at a Time...in February 2021
Becky Cerling Powers
Resolving the Past: a faith-based story from the Story Powerline
Sharon Withers as told to Becky Cerling Powers
God Sets the Lonely in Families: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Sharon Withers as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Keep Trying: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Laura Jane Cerling
Hooray for Mother Goose! Parenting Insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Being a Better Parent....One Week at a Time...in January 2021
Becky Cerling Powers
Working With -- Not Against -- Life Seasons: parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Why Play With the Kids? parenting insights from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Breaking Barriers with Kindness: a faith based Christmas story from the Story Powerline
Laura Jane Cerling
Shoe Shine Boy: a faith based Christmas story from the Story Powerline
Ruben Fierro as told to Maria Luisa Navarro
Slow Down for Christmas: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Ruth & Boaz, Part 2: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Maria Luisa Navarro
Ruth & Boaz, Part 1: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Maria Luisa Navarro
Enemies No More, Part 2: a faith based Beatitudes story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Enemies No More, Part 1: a faith based Beatitudes story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Double Minded Doggie: a faith based Beatitudes story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
The Father's Blessing: a faith based Beatitudes story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Dad's Green Packard: a faith based Beatitudes story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Hill of Woman's Fidelity: a faith based Beatitudes story from the Story Powerline
Retold by Becky Cerling Powers
In Praise of Naps: tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Music Enriches the Family: tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Pre-School at Home During Covid-19: tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Parenting in the Mess: Tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Grandpa Thure Cerling, Part 2: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Grandpa Thure Cerling, Part 1: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Temptation: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Glen A. Hinshaw & Becky Cerling Powers
TALK: A Simple Way to Help Kids with School: tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Honest Abe Lincoln: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Randy Limbird
The Most Conscientious Hunter I Ever Met: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Glen A. Hinshaw
Washing Feet: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers and Lee Merrill Byrd
No Parking: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Ruby Bridges, part 2: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Ruby Bridges, part 1: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Raising Fluent Readers: tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Unwanted Baby: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Eileen as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Family Funnies: Tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Joey's Letters: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Lee Merrill Byrd
Alzheimer Valley: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Amaris Luz, Light from Darkness: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Lee Merrill Byrd
Let Kids Cure Their Own Boredom: Tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Naaman, Rich in Money and Presumption: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs and Becky Cerling Powers
David, Bathsheba & Psalm 51: a faith based story story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
The Hundred Chart: math lesson tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
The Beer Would Call Me: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Beatriz Balcort as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Turned Around: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Brian Bolton with Becky Cerling Powers
Elijah & the Captain of 50 Men: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Retold by Becky Cerling Powers
Fear in Residence: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Household Management During COVID-19 Time: tips from the Parent Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Dreaming of Anita Jo: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
No Complaint Dinners: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Laura Jane Cerling
DIY Plumbing: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Jennifer Cummings
A Brother's Love: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Retold by Becky Cerling Powers
My Two Dads, part three: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Janimarie Rowe as told to Becky Cerling Powers
My Two Dads, part two: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Janimarie Rowe as told to Becky Cerling Powers
My Two Dads, part one: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Janimarie Rowe as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Grandma's Apron: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Jennifer Cummings
Colors of the Beetle: a retold faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Cantaloupe Crop Disaster: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Glen Hinshaw
Afraid to Sleep at Night (Psalm 91): a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
How the Camel Got His Hump: a retold faith based story
Becky Cerling Powers
Growing Up With Polio: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Laura Jane Cerling
One Dollar for a Donut: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Star of Wonder
Paula Kortkamp Combs
The Shepherds
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Mary and the Angel
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Christmas Cookies: a a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Laura Jane Cerling
First Thanksgiving, Part 2: Beginning in Weakness (a faith based story)
Rami Scully
First Thanksgiving, Part 3: Gifts & Gratitude (a faith based story from the Story Powerline)
Rami Scully
First Thanksgiving, Part 1: Enduring the Sea Voyage (a faith based story)
Rami Scully
Rescuing my Family in Wartime, Part 3: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Néaouguen Nodjimbadem as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Rescuing my Family in Wartime, Part 2: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Néaouguen Nodjimbadem as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Rescuing my Family in Wartime, Part 1: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Nodji (Néaouguen Nodjimbadem) as told to Becky Cerling Powers
Grandma Time: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Jennifer Cummings
The Love & Diaper (Nappy) Connection
Becky Cerling Powers
Avon Perfume Surprise: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Saving Butterscotch: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Karen M. Pickett Ward
The Patient in Room 116: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
Belshazzar: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Retold by Paula Kortkamp Combs
My Mysterious Relative & the Missing Paycheck: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Becky Cerling Powers
Keeping in Touch with Cousins: a faith based story from the Story Powerline
Paula Kortkamp Combs
How the Ostrich Got His Long Neck: a faith based retold story from the Story Powerline
Retold by Becky Cerling Powers